The retreat was called "Breakthrough Writing with Jan Cornall" and was aimed at writers who were having difficulties with their writing, if they were stuck somewhere with a piece of writing, if they didn't know where or how to start writing, or even if they didn't know how to finish their writing. I thought, "this has been aimed at me!". I had been working on a novel for a couple of years but kept getting stuck. I kept starting and stopping and was absolutely full of self doubt about my writing. I was procrastinating so much that I wasn't able to write at all. Who would want to read my writing anyway. (Sound familiar?) So, I followed the link, trawled around the website, fell in love with the whole idea and signed up straight away.
The course was run by an amazing woman called Jan Cornall. Here is Jan (on the right) with prize winning author Margo Lanagan who was also part of the Fiji Breakthrough Writing group (lucky us!)
Go to Jan's website and read about this talented, generous woman and then keep an eye out for her courses. She can help. If I won Lotto tomorrow, I would spend the next couple of years just traveling around the world doing Jan's courses. Another procrastination project but hey!
So, I went to Fiji, where I had never been before, and met 12 fellow writers that I had never met before and had the best time! The other participants ranged from beautiful young 20 something women to an amazing gentleman in his 80s. All were talented, generous, kind and giving of themselves, their words, their feelings and support for each other. I didn't want to leave. But, at the same time, I was excited to come home so that I could write, write and write some more. It really was a life changing week. Jan guided us every day, she pushed us every day and she encouraged us every day.
One of the women in Fiji, Caroline Reid, has been blogging about the course and her blog is well worth reading. In fact, Caroline describes each day so well, that I don't have to go into detail here. Click on the link to her blog "Caroline Reid Writes"; she's one of the talented young women that were so generous towards us, especially me and I just love the way she writes.
Fiji is a beautiful country,
the people are happy, friendly and I will be going back someday.