Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will be a regular visitor.
I've thought about blogging, off and on, for ages. I love reading blogs and am enough of a narcissist to think maybe someone would like to read mine....
So, I'll tell you a bit about myself and what kinds of things I'll be sharing with you here (and hoping you will share with me) & you can decide if you want to come back:
I'm a mature-bodied, single, un-childed woman. I live with a small ball of doggy fluff called Stellar and we enjoy the wonderfully beautiful Illawarra of NSW. I live very close to the sea and go to sleep to the sounds of the ocean at night.
I have a casual job at the uni of Wollongong Library, which I enjoy most of the time.
I love writing fiction but have been on the procrastination bus for a while. I'll blog about that from time to time also.
I spin fibres on spinning wheels, dye my own fibres and knit, though the spinning and knitting has been in the shadows since a moving here; it's just not cold enough, or maybe I'm not acclimatised yet?
I'm being treated for long term anxiety and depression and am an ex smoker of weeds both legal and illegal and to top it off , I'm also an ex drinker of alcohol. It's not as bad as it sounds, I actually love my life now! All I have to do now is learn how to enjoy it.
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